Here at Oasis we believe in the biblical truths of Christianity. In a simplified version: we believe that God created the universe and everything in it, the first humans on earth messed up big time by following their own plan instead of God's (what is know as "sin"), and eventually Jesus came to earth to sacrifice his life so that every person-past, present, and future-could be forgiven of their sins if they put their trust and faith in Jesus.
We can all agree that no one on this earth is perfect. As Christians we don't believe that we are perfect either. This is why we are so grateful that God forgives us of all our imperfections, and it's why we get excited to tell others this great story of forgiveness!
One of the reasons we believe Jesus came to earth was to show us God's design for our lives. This is one reason we value the Bible, because we get to read all about Jesus' life, His teachings, and the example that He set for us. The most distinct characteristic of Jesus, and the number one thing He taught everyone, was love. In the Bible, Luke 10:27 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself". This is the most important thing that Christians should strive to live by, and it's our mission statement here at Oasis.
The statements above are simply a summary of what we believe at Oasis. For more in depth explanations on these beliefs, taken from the "Baptist Faith and Message", click the button below.
Oasis at Conway Gardens
1900 Conway Gardens Road Orlando, FL 32806 US
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